6 #EventProfs Skills That Are So 2019


Remember 2009? It was the year Matt Smith was named as the next Doctor Who, swine flu hailed a possible a-pork-alypse and we said goodbye to Michael Jackson and Jade Goodey. It may not feel like that long ago, but in the ten years that have passed, a lot has gone down in the world of live events.

So, what new skills do #EventProfs need in 2019 that just weren’t as important a decade ago? We took a break from making apps for events to create a quick overview:

Social Media Marketing

This is a big one. Social media has had a huge influence on the industry, from helping to boost ticket sales to generating a buzz before, during and after the big day. These days, #EventProfs need to be pretty savvy about social media if they want to ensure their event feels relevant and reaches as many people as possible.

Data Analysis

Alongside the growth of social media, there’s also been a huge improvement in the ability to gather data during a live event. Long gone are the long feedback forms emailed out post event to ask people what they enjoyed and didn’t enjoy. These days, #EventProfs can use RFID, NFC and apps for events to gather real-time data and keep track of attendance levels, session popularity, length of stay, engagement, lead capture and even satisfaction levels amongst other things. In 2019, savvy #EventProfs need a basic understanding of data and the benefits it can offer in helping you demonstrate ROI and compete with other marketing channels. Event professionals also need to be able to look at feedback data, work out what the delegates need and change plans to accommodate it.

Personal Branding

Another side-effect of the rise of social media, is the rise of personal branding. If you want to really get ahead in your career, it’s a good idea to work on brand me and to keep your digital portfolio up to date. It’s a great thing overall as it encourages best-practice and continual growth within the industry.

Diary Editing

Forget 12-month plans. These days, #EventProfs need to be able to change plans on a dime, shift dates in an instant and plan an event with just a few weeks notice. Get ready to reach for the Tipp-Ex.

Campaign Management

The growth of immersive and experiential events means that you may well find yourself running a creative campaign from the earliest conception to the final thank you. Delegates want to be immersed in the world of the event from the moment they order and receive their ticket. The food, the décor, the arrival and the look and feel all need to tie together, so you’ll need great creativity and attention to detail, from start to finish.

A Good Imagination

New advances in tech mean that the potential to transform a blank-canvas venue into an immersive space are endless. From projection mapping and lighting displays to drones and AI, there are hundreds of different ways to deliver the atmosphere you want to create – you just need a good imagination.

It’s also a good idea to get to know your event technology too. If you’re stuck, take a look at our event technology encyclopedia for some handy tips on how to tell your RFID from your AI. And best of all, if you’re unsure about how to proceed with event tech, get in touch with Team Noodle. We eat, sleep and breathe event badges and apps for events, and we also love a good chinwag.

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